Security Blogs (secblogs) is a simple website that aggregates a bunch of news sites and blogs and displays it on a single page. Original inspiration came from Engineering blogs and I ended up using a similar layout for secblogs.

The idea was born out of a necessity to streamline the process of sifting through numerous websites daily to catch up on essential readings. Secblogs is designed to be a one-stop destination that provides an easy way to consume security related articles.

Some Technical Notes

The page is generated using HTML templating provided by Go. The Github repo has a Github Action build plan setup which runs the Go code every 30 minutes to fetch and parse the latest articles. It creates the index.html and pushes it to Cloudflare Pages where the page is hosted. IMO using github actions for this seems a bit hacky which is why I would eventually like to move the build process out of Github Actions to somewhere else.