Intro to CSP report-to and report-uri HTTP headers

CSP Directives: report-to and report-uri The Content Security Policy (CSP) directives report-to and report-uri are used to specify where the browser should send violation reports when a content security policy is violated on a website. Why Use Them: Helps in identifying and fixing security issues on a website. Provides insights into potential attacks or vulnerabilities. Enhances the overall security posture of the website. PCI Compliance report-uri - CSP Directive Legacy CSP directive that is used for reporting violations Deprecated but not all browsers support the newer directives so it is still recommended to be used report-uri Example Content-Security-Policy: ....

June 27, 2024

What Is Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a crucial security feature that helps protect websites against various types of attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and data injection. By defining and enforcing a set of rules for the browser to follow when loading content, CSP provides an additional layer of defense against malicious activities. Why Use Content Security Policy? Implementing CSP is essential for enhancing the security posture of a website. Here are some key reasons why one should use CSP:...

May 13, 2024